WARNING: Warnings now available in meteoblue App

Our latest app update brings official weather warnings into our Android and iOS app - for more than 100 countries.

Our weather apps now also include official weather warnings: The warnings are shown as coloured dots in the daily overview on the app's start page. The displayed official weather warnings always refer to the region in which the selected place is located, and are provided by the respective National Hydro-Meteorological Service, from more than 100 countries.

You can directly click on the coloured dot to see the official text of the official weather warning provided by the respective National Hydro-Meteorological Service (NHMS). Furthermore, you can see our warnings map, which shows weather warnings on a global map. You can also find these warnings in the app's weather map section or on our website. The warnings are usually provided in the language of the app settings. In some cases or countries, warnings may appear in another language, depending on what the NHMS provides. Warning type or frequency changes between countries. If you have important decisions to make, please test the warnings for some time, so you understand the local relevance and accuracy.

If you do not yet use our weather apps, you can download them directly from the App Store or Google Play Store.

Please download the latest update if you already have the app, but the warnings are not shown.

We hope this new function further enhances our apps and would appreciate your feedback to further improve it, preferably by email.

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