Dense Fog Advisory issued May 27 at 7:49AM EDT until May 27 at 12:00PM EDT by NWS Boston/Norton MA
De la Astăzi 07:49 (1 oră în urmă)
Până la Astăzi 12:00 (peste 2 ore)
Explicații oficiale de avertizare:
  • WHAT: Visibility one quarter to one half mile in dense fog.

  • WHERE: Portions of southeastern Massachusetts and northern and southern Rhode Island.

  • WHEN: Until noon EDT today.

  • IMPACTS: Low visibility could make driving conditions hazardous.

* WHAT...Visibility one quarter to one half mile in dense fog. * WHERE...Portions of southeastern Massachusetts and northern and southern Rhode Island. * WHEN...Until noon EDT today. * IMPACTS...Low visibility could make driving conditions hazardous.


If driving, slow down, use your headlights, and leave plenty of distance ahead of you.

Dense Fog Advisory issued May 27 at 7:49AM EDT until May 27 at 12:00PM EDT by NWS Boston/Norton MA
De la Astăzi 07:49 (1 oră în urmă)
Până la Astăzi 12:00 (peste 2 ore)
Explicații oficiale de avertizare:
  • WHAT: Visibility one quarter to one half mile in dense fog.

  • WHERE: Portions of southeastern Massachusetts and northern and southern Rhode Island.

  • WHEN: Until noon EDT today.

  • IMPACTS: Low visibility could make driving conditions hazardous.

* WHAT...Visibility one quarter to one half mile in dense fog. * WHERE...Portions of southeastern Massachusetts and northern and southern Rhode Island. * WHEN...Until noon EDT today. * IMPACTS...Low visibility could make driving conditions hazardous.


If driving, slow down, use your headlights, and leave plenty of distance ahead of you.

Dense Fog Advisory issued May 27 at 7:49AM EDT until May 27 at 12:00PM EDT by NWS Boston/Norton MA
De la Astăzi 07:49 (1 oră în urmă)
Până la Astăzi 12:00 (peste 2 ore)
Explicații oficiale de avertizare:
  • WHAT: Visibility one quarter to one half mile in dense fog.

  • WHERE: Portions of southeastern Massachusetts and northern and southern Rhode Island.

  • WHEN: Until noon EDT today.

  • IMPACTS: Low visibility could make driving conditions hazardous.

* WHAT...Visibility one quarter to one half mile in dense fog. * WHERE...Portions of southeastern Massachusetts and northern and southern Rhode Island. * WHEN...Until noon EDT today. * IMPACTS...Low visibility could make driving conditions hazardous.


If driving, slow down, use your headlights, and leave plenty of distance ahead of you.

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